We are outplacement consultants. Our program represents a unique and proprietary methodology and curriculum. Our programs are the cornerstone of a development effort supported by community and business group over ten years.
Like you, we believe that people are your company's most important asset. When your business model calls for a work force reduction, it presents unique and complex management problems. Downsizing is a step no one wants to take. The dismissal of useful and productive persons (some long term employees, all contributors who have built the corporate asset) is always wrenching.
We are committed to changing the corporate culture that only considers traditional options when layoffs are necessary. We believe Sampark can reduce the workforce responsibility while building a more confident labor pool and simultaneously strengthening the Corporation's bottom line.
Because there is an alternative! Typically, layoffs are corrosive to individuals, families, employers, communities, and governments. Sampark creates a new paradigm that can change all that!
We offer consulting services to business looking to eliminate substantial numbers of employees. We also offer a proven entrepreneurial training program to employees targeted for dismissal.
We help our Client Companies to downsize responsibly. We offer viable alternative solutions to massive layoffs. We help Clients to treat employees destined for dismissal more humanely by giving those individuals an opportunity to work for themselves (with the assistance and support of the employer) thus creating a positive and responsible corporate image for the Client. Not every employee being fired wants to start his or her own company but, for those who do, we facilitise the opportunity.
Even though a business may consider extensive layoffs circumstantially essential, these reductions in staff none-the-less do create massive corporate headaches.
At the outset, Management is placed in a very unpopular position. It frequently finds alienated from relationships that had formerly been platonic. Corporate leaders must deal with abnormal amounts of unwelcome emotional and psychological stress. We help to reduce that stress.
By working with the Company's Executive Officers we help to identity and preserve the key Corporate identity and we help to retain those individuals vital to the Client's ongoing Corporate success.
We work with the Human Resource Department to identify employee to be out-placed, taking into consideration the effect Sampark can have on the equation. This personnel list is reviewed and approved by Senior Management. In conjunction with Counsel, we help to create a discharge Plan for our client. We do not implement the plan; that is the sole responsibility of the Client Company. However, while the Company is implementing the discharge plan we will inform those employees targeted for dismissal that entrepreneurial training and resource assistance will be available as an alternative to severance and unemployment.
We will work with the Senior Financial Officer to identify those assets that the company will no longer require after the corporate merger or downsizing is completed. These assets will be made available and may be sold outright or in installments, leased or donated to redundant personnel for their entrepreneurial pursuits, in exchange for a waiver of severance benefits.
The company maintains an ongoing positive and progressive Corporate image