Human Resources Consulting Services


Is to assist client and their executives in maximising the positive aspect of organisational change and provide alternative solutions to re-shape the careers of the impacted employees".

"The world today is changing very rapidly and so are we. To be successful in adjusting to these changes of Mergers, Acquisitions, Takeovers, shall depend not only on the discovery of the new markets, and technology but redefining the role people play in adopting to these changes. Unfortunately, sometimes the organisations carry on with the unproductive fat for varying reasons which never seems to click into their role and assignments. Redundancy is the result and the employees then need to look for new assignment".

How do we assist organisation

  • Providing quality, cost effective, one to one career transition counseling to impacted employees.
  • Reduce the legal risk & litigations connected with termination and severance.
  • Regaining survivor's morale and confidence.
  • Allowing departure of an employee with dignity & respect.

How do we assist Impacted Employee

  • We provide professional counseling to help them cope with the feeling of shock, anger, loss and sadness.
  • To make them understand the genuine reasons for client's decision.
  • To evaluate their career options and make a clear strategic plan and direction for their suitable future deployment.


We assist organisation in formulating an affirmative and humane approach towards this change which allows everyone to emerge as a winner. Moreover our consulting services will result in actual saving in finances, reputation, business friendship as well as preservation of companies morale, goodwill & trade secrets.